Prior to MOHs micrographic surgery, make sure you are not going on holiday or have any important commitments for three weeks.
It is advisable to bring someone with you when you have the operation, as you may feel uncomfortable after your treatment.
We do not advise you to drive back home.
What is Micrographic Surgery ?
A type of surgery that allows skin cancer to be removed accurately, under local anaesthetic, without destroying healthy tissue around the lesion.
This procedure is carried out over two appointments, this allows for the specimen to be sent to the laboratory to be tested. The first part takes place on a Tuesday morning and the second part on a Thursday afternoon where Dr Ali will have the histology result. A third appointment will be provisionally made for the following Tuesday in case abnormal cells are still present.
Before your operation
Unless advised otherwise, please continue to take all other regular medication and eat a normal breakfast on the day of your operation.
What will happen at my appointment ?
Please report to the reception desk when you arrive and take a seat in the waiting area until you are called into the operating theatre. Dr Ali will examine the lesion to be removed. He will then inject some local anaesthetic into the area which will numb it so you don’t feel any discomfort during the operation. The injection itself will sting for a very short time. You will be fully awake during the operation. When the local anaesthetic has numbed the area, Dr Ali will remove the lesion and send the piece of skin to the laboratory to be tested. Meanwhile, a temporary dressing is placed on the wound.
The processing in the laboratory can take up to 48 hours. If the tissue is negative, and there are no abnormal cells (skin cancer) around the edge, the doctor will then discuss with you the next stage of treatment. However, if a small area still has visible abnormal cells, another small piece of skin will have to be removed and taken to the laboratory for testing as before. This process will be repeated until all signs of disease have been completely removed, with more local anaesthetic if required.
Download information as PDF from the Association of British Dermatologists